

In this Instructional Technology class, Dr. Sharifah Sariah has showed us step by step from A to Z how to make an interesting yet simple educational blog since the second day of the class. I learned slowly and effectively from her clear instructions, without denying or interrupting her by any mean even though I already knew what she’s going to teach. Every time she asked did she made herself clear, we will always answer yes unless we’re not clear enough. So basically, my friends and I learned and understood the class by just following the procedures and instruction from Dr. Sharifah Sariah.


Sometimes, in the class, I found out that I was not very clear with the instruction from Dr. Sharifah Sariah. And also sometimes, I did understand but I don’t know how to make it done. As my solutions, I asked my friends whether they know how to assist me or not, if yes they helped me figured it out and if they said no, I directly asked Dr. Sharifah Sariah. She assisted me a lot especially when I have problems with the blog’s themes and how to change font etc. Sometimes, I tried surfing the internet and watch the youtube to help me solve the problems. Overall, I have to say that Dr. Sharifah Sariah and my classmates helped me a lot solving my problems regarding the making of my educational blog.


Even though Dr. Sharifah guided us from the beginning to the end, actually every elements and ideas making the blog is from our own. I became my own designer for my blog, I didn’t imitate any other blogs or my friends’ blogs. It just that I did discover and thorough others’ blog from the internet and youtube, but it’s just for my inspiration and boost up my ideas. And also sometimes I did asked for comments from our lecturer so that she can help me to improve the design of my blog. All in all , this blog is 100%  from my ideas that Allah has given to me :)
